
Complaints Process

We welcome suggestions and complaints, as they enable us to improve the service we provide.

It is important that all Residents/Family/Whanau are aware of the steps to follow for making a complaint should the need arise.

  1. The resident, family member or advocate may either:
    • Approach the manager in person or on the telephone to state the complaint. If it is serious, the manager will request written confirmation.
    • Fill in the concerns/ complaints from supplied on admission and readily available in the rest home. If anonymous, place in complaints/suggestion box. If not anonymous, give to the manager.
  2. Written complaints should include details of incident, time, place and all personnel involved.
  3. If not anonymous, discuss the issue with the manager.
  4. All complaints will be acknowledged in writing within 5 days. It is our aim to investigate and achieve resolution of complaints within 14 days of receipt. In many cases the complaint will be resolved considerably more quickly than this. If resolution of the complaint is drawn out, monthly updates will be given.
  5. A letter detailing the resolution of the complaint will be forwarded to the complainant.

If you require support to assist with your complaint, you may wish to use the free service of the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service Phone 0800 555 050. They provide a free, independent and confidential service.

The resident and their family/whanau are assured that the resident will not be adversely affected by exercising their rights to question the service being provided. Continuity of service will be maintained during the investigation and resolution of any complaint.

Complaint forms are readily available on our notice boards. Please do not hesitate to use these.

To download a complaints form, please click on the following link: Concerns Complaints Form


Second Point of Contact

Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, there may be a need for a second point of contact to discuss an issue with. Vicky Jones, our Operations  Management Leader, is available Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. to discuss any issues of concern.

(03) 385 1286 x 9 or Vicky@dementiacarenz.co.nz

Please tell us if we can do better. We really do care.

Admissions and Funding Navigator: